Surveys & Reports

Purchaser or Building Survey? – Don’t buy without one!

Don’t forget it is written to help you make an informed opinion – before buying

Purchaser Survey

This survey has been specially designed with the layman in mind and is written in a clear non-technical way. It is bespoke to the property and not a pro-forma type report and it covers all of the areas that the surveyor can see and is suitable for most properties, whether flats, houses or bungalows. It is less suitable for very old properties or ones which are built in a non-traditional way as these require a more in-depth report to be able to give a proper view to the client. It includes a re-instatement value for insurance.


Building Survey

This survey can be used for all properties and is the in-depth survey. It is suited to large, very old and altered buildings as well as those of unusual construction type. We generally recommend that any building which is over 120 years old has this survey as we report in greater detail and on a room by room basis so that you can better consider the property.
It is also written in a clear non-technical way. It too includes a reinstatement value for insurance.


What’s in the report?

  • ? Reports are to help you make an INFORMED DECISION
  • ? Reports are written in PLAIN ENGLISH and to the point.
  • ? RECOMMENDATIONS & REPAIRS are collated in one section at the end, in order of priority.
  • ? All reports have COLOUR PHOTOS to enhance descriptions and understanding.
  • ? We calculate the insurance re-build / reinstatement cost.
  • ? All reports can be EMAILED directly to you to SAVE TIME – often the same day as the inspection.
  • ? When a Survey is complete we will phone you and run through our findings on a more personal level that afternoon.
  • ? Once you have received your survey you are free to call us to discuss anything in it – as many times as you like.

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